This series of work came about right around the first lock down. After having a minor breakdown, I came to surrender to what is and not having much to do I began searching in my studio for something to inspire me.
I have been collecting these recycled plastic bags used for produce for number of years not knowing what To do with them. I began by taking apart the labels and coming up with the raw materials that were pretty lacy and bright in colors.
I began gluing them onto paper and canvas. Some on just plain paper or canvas and some on previously painted canvases that I never finished so they were perfect background for these loose plastics.
They ended up becoming more of an installation than anything else.
I was thrilled to be able to put these plastics to use in this form and I continue to search for other ways I can reuse them not only to unburden the landfills but also recognize its beauty.
Hope you enjoy looking at them.
Contact me for measurement and pricing
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