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Roya Adjory / Artwork

This body of works were created out of my desperate need to experience joy and some sense of peace dealing and caring for an aging parent .
Connecting to that part of myself has been the greatest gift these pieces have given me.

These expressions of lines came about during the COVID lock down. I kept looking for order within this Chaos we were all living in. Spontaneous, intuitive moves governed these and led me to find and draw out the shapes to create order.

Another exploration of materials during the lock down 2022. My desire to reuse and recycle all materials manifested in a series of works that are more an installation than paintings given their 3D nature.

These images can also be seen with the use of Chroma 3D glasses for a special effect. Our perception to see it 3D is enhanced by the use of glasses and the proper placement of colors on the these paintings allowing you access to a Z dimension.

These images are all 4×6 and they are a result of painting with colored ink and mixed media on my already existing pre digital photographs.  Creating texture and dimension was what I was after.

Living within a large body of park, I am blessed daily with the beauty of nature all around. Landscapes of all kinds are mesmerizing to experience the magnificence of our planet and honor it daily.